Resources for Biotechnology Activity 4 – Biotechnology

In this activity, students will learn how traditional methods of artificial selection and modern methods of bioengineering have been used in an attempt to improve the quality of forests products worldwide. Students will investigate both the risks and benefits of genetically modifying trees.

This is one of 4 activities that can be found in PLT’s Exploring Environmental Issues: Focus on Risk Biotechnology Supplement. To get the activity, attend a training or purchase the supplement now from Below are some supporting resources for this activity.


Download the copyright-free student pages that are included with this activity:

Biotechnology Part A (PDF)

Biotechnology Part B (PDF)

Biotechnology Part C (PDF)

Biotechnology Part D (PDF)

Biotechnology Part E (PDF)

Biotechnology Part F (PDF)


The following tools and resources may be used to enhance the activity.

  • BioInteractive’s Science Education Resources

    At BioInteractive, you can find hundreds of free multimedia resources for science education targeted to a high school and undergraduate audience. Topics range from evolution to ecology, to diversity of organisms and earth and environment, to biotechnology and the scientific process. The resources include apps, animations, videos, interactive tutorials, and virtual labs to help engage students and explain difficult scientific concepts. Videos range from short clips to short films (15 to 30 minutes long) to full-length lectures on a specific topic given by top scientists working at the cutting edge of scientific research—all supplemented by teacher guides and classroom activities.

  • Forest Biotechnology

    Every wonder how biotechnology is related to the forest?This Powerpoint was created to be used a supplemental resource as an introduction to this topic and terms associated.