Resources for Places We Live Activity 4 – Neighborhood Design

Students explore the current layout of their neighborhoods, critically evaluate a variety of development options, and formulate ideas for guiding further growth in their communities.

This is one of 8 activities that can be found in PLT’s Exploring Environmental Issues: Places We Live moduleTo get the activity, attend a training and receive PLT’s Places We Live secondary module. Below are some supporting resources for this activity. 


Download the copyright-free student pages that are included with this activity:

Different Development Options (PDF)

Neighborhood Design Questionnaire (PDF)


The following tools and resources may be used to enhance the activity.

  • Transit-Oriented Neighborhoods

    This report attempts to understand who lives near transit today and who is expected to live there in 25 years, with the desired outcome of creating a dialogue between those who want to ensure high-quality transit service and those who want to ensure high-quality neighborhoods.

  • EnviroAtlas

    EPA’s new EnviroAtlas tool is designed to help communities and researchers make informed planning and policy decisions related to the environment and ecosystems. EnviroAtlas provides datasets and interactive tools to allow users to explore the many benefits people receive from nature, often referred to as ecosystem services. EnviroAtlas includes over 300 data layers, letting users analyze how decisions affect ecosystems and their ability to provide goods and services. Key components include:


  • Why Trees? Video

    As we know, trees represent more than just beautiful natural elements of our land, they also provide shade, manage water, stop erosion, protect streams, soothe the soul, clean the air, protect the quality and health of water, and attract homeowners, renters, and shoppers. Check out this Doodle Lecture created by Alabama Cooperative Extension that unveils the many benefits of having trees in our communities.