Places We Live Activity 7 – Far-Reaching Decisions

Students develop graphic organizers and creative presentations to illustrate how individual decisions can impact the local environment, as well as distant communities. They also measure their own ecological footprint.

This is one of 8 activities that can be found in PLT’s Exploring Environmental Issues: Places We Live moduleTo get the activity, attend a training and receive PLT’s Places We Live secondary module. Below are some supporting resources for this activity. 

Places We Live Activity 6 – Vision for the Future

Student teams develop and present a vision for the future of an area in their community.

This is one of 8 activities that can be found in PLT’s Exploring Environmental Issues: Places We Live moduleTo get the activity, attend a training and receive PLT’s Places We Live secondary module. Below are some supporting resources for this activity. 

Places We Live Activity 5 – Green Space

Students investigate green infrastructure and native plant communities at the neighborhood, community, and regional scales. They also explore the dual needs to accommodate population growth and to protect green space and native plant communities.

This is one of 8 activities that can be found in PLT’s Exploring Environmental Issues: Places We Live moduleTo get the activity, attend a training and receive PLT’s Places We Live secondary module. Below are some supporting resources for this activity. 

Places We Live Activity 4 – Neighborhood Design

Students explore the current layout of their neighborhoods, critically evaluate a variety of development options, and formulate ideas for guiding further growth in their communities.

This is one of 8 activities that can be found in PLT’s Exploring Environmental Issues: Places We Live moduleTo get the activity, attend a training and receive PLT’s Places We Live secondary module. Below are some supporting resources for this activity. 

Places We Live Activity 3 – Mapping Your Community Through Time

Student teams investigate the social, cultural, economic, aesthetic, and environmental components of their community to create map overlays and reports describing the development of their community through time.

This is one of 8 activities that can be found in PLT’s Exploring Environmental Issues: Places We Live moduleTo get the activity, attend a training and receive PLT’s Places We Live secondary module. Below are some supporting resources for this activity. 

Places We Live Activity 2 – Community Character

Students explore community character and investigate ways that communities, including their own, are responding to growth and development pressures.

This is one of 8 activities that can be found in PLT’s Exploring Environmental Issues: Places We Live moduleTo get the activity, attend a training and receive PLT’s Places We Live secondary module. Below are some supporting resources for this activity. 

Places We Live Activity 1 – Personal Places

Students investigate and report on their connection with a special place and with their greater community.

This is one of 8 activities that can be found in PLT’s Exploring Environmental Issues: Places We Live moduleTo get the activity, attend a training and receive PLT’s Places We Live secondary module. Below are some supporting resources for this activity. 

Forests of the World Activity 9 – Researching Forests Around the World

In this activity, students will explore their connections to the world’s forests by researching a forest in another country or region and by creating a profile about that forest.

This is one of 9 activities that can be found in PLT’s Exploring Environmental Issues: Forests of the World moduleTo get the activity, attend a training and receive PLT’s Forests of the World secondary module. Below are some supporting resources for this activity. 

Forests of the World Activity 8 – Making Consumer Choices

Using paper as an example, students will analyze the life cycle and consumption patterns of forest products, and they will identify the international dimensions of product use. Using their findings, they will then draw conclusions about consuming forest products in a way that is more intelligent and takes into account the global consequences.

This is one of 9 activities that can be found in PLT’s Exploring Environmental Issues: Forests of the World moduleTo get the activity, attend a training and receive PLT’s Forests of the World secondary module. Below are some supporting resources for this activity. 

Forests of the World Activity 7 – Exploring the World Marketplace

In this activity, students will conduct a simulation in which countries use their forest resources to “manufacture” products and to sell them to an international trader. Through the simulation, students will experience what can happen when forest resources are unevenly distributed around the world and will explore some of the tradeoffs of resource use.

This is one of 9 activities that can be found in PLT’s Exploring Environmental Issues: Forests of the World moduleTo get the activity, attend a training and receive PLT’s Forests of the World secondary module. Below are some supporting resources for this activity.