Forests of the World Activity 6 – Seeking Sustainability: A Global Response

In this activity, students will consider possible indicators that a forest is sustainable, and they will learn about one international initiative for monitoring forest sustainability. They will find out what is being done locally and in other countries to determine whether forests are managed in a sustainable way.

This is one of 9 activities that can be found in PLT’s Exploring Environmental Issues: Forests of the World moduleTo get the activity, attend a training and receive PLT’s Forests of the World secondary module. Below are some supporting resources for this activity. 

Forests of the World Activity 5 – Understanding the Effects of Forest Uses

In this activity, students will analyze the effects of different ways that people use the world’s forests and will determine which effects may be sustainable according to one definition.

This is one of 9 activities that can be found in PLT’s Exploring Environmental Issues: Forests of the World moduleTo get the activity, attend a training and receive PLT’s Forests of the World secondary module. Below are some supporting resources for this activity. 

Forests of the World Activity 4 – Analyzing Patterns of Forest Change

Natural forces and human activities can change forests in a variety of ways. In this activity, students will analyze factors that can change forests by using data sets, maps and other information. They will also examine projections about future climate conditions and explore how these factors may change forests in the 21st century.

This is one of 9 activities that can be found in PLT’s Exploring Environmental Issues: Forests of the World moduleTo get the activity, attend a training and receive PLT’s Forests of the World secondary module. Below are some supporting resources for this activity. 

Forests of the World Activity 3 – Mapping the World’s Forests

Identifying, documenting, classifying, and accurately mapping the diversity of forests found around the world is an active, ongoing process. A holistic system of global ecological zones related to simple, well-known climate characteristics and vegetation types is now used to classify the world’s forests. In this activity, students will examine this system to see how temperature and moisture determine the type of forest in a given locale.

This is one of 9 activities that can be found in PLT’s Exploring Environmental Issues: Forests of the World moduleTo get the activity, attend a training and receive PLT’s Forests of the World secondary module. Below are some supporting resources for this activity. 

Forests of the World Activity 2 – What Is a Forest?

Dozens of official definitions of the term forest are in use throughout the world. In this activity, students will analyze various definitions of this term and then consider different cultural perspectives that affect people’s perceptions of forests.

This is one of 9 activities that can be found in PLT’s Exploring Environmental Issues: Forests of the World moduleTo get the activity, attend a training and receive PLT’s Forests of the World secondary module. Below are some supporting resources for this activity. 

Forests of the World Activity 1 – Making the Global Connection

Students will create and conduct a survey to help them determine how they and others view themselves as linked to forests around the world.

This is one of 9 activities that can be found in PLT’s Exploring Environmental Issues: Forests of the World moduleTo get the activity, attend a training and receive PLT’s Forests of the World secondary module. Below are some supporting resources for this activity. 

Focus on Forests Activity 9 – Words to Live By

The writings of different environmental authors reflect the views of their time periods, as well as their own personal feelings toward forests. In this activity, students will express their own views about forests and explore different perspectives by reading excerpts from the writings of different authors.

This is one of 9 activities that can be found in PLT’s Exploring Environmental Issues: Focus on Forests moduleTo get the activity, attend a training and receive PLT’s Focus on Forests secondary module. Below are some supporting resources for this activity. 

Focus on Forests Activity 8 – Climate Change and Forests

Students will use a carbon footprint calculator to analyze their personal effect on carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the atmosphere, will calculate the amount of carbon stored in a single tree, and will explore how carbon sequestration can affect CO2 levels.

This is one of 9 activities that can be found in PLT’s Exploring Environmental Issues: Focus on Forests moduleTo get the activity, attend a training and receive PLT’s Focus on Forests secondary module. Below are some supporting resources for this activity. 

Focus on Forests Activity 7 – Forest Invaders

Students will consider what makes invasive species a problem for forest ecosystems, will work in teams to present different methods of controlling an invasive species, and will conduct research to find out how invasive species may affect their local forest.

This is one of 9 activities that can be found in PLT’s Exploring Environmental Issues: Focus on Forests moduleTo get the activity, attend a training and receive PLT’s Focus on Forests secondary module. Below are some supporting resources for this activity. 

Focus on Forests Activity 6 – Forest to Faucet

Forests provide a variety of ecosystem services and help to maintain a clean and plentiful water supply. In this activity, students explore the connection between forests, watersheds, and their community’s water. Students will identify local watersheds and their forest cover, will analyze a specific watershed in Maine, and will evaluate the extent to which their own community’s water supply is affected by forests and forest management.

This is one of 9 activities that can be found in PLT’s Exploring Environmental Issues: Focus on Forests moduleTo get the activity, attend a training and receive PLT’s Focus on Forests secondary module. Below are some supporting resources for this activity.