PreK-8 Activity 68 – Name that Tree

Tree species can be identified by looking at several different features: leaves, bark, twigs, flowers, fruit, and seeds. Even the overall shape of a tree can give clues to the tree’s identity. In this activity, your students will learn more about trees through these identifying features. Afterward, they can play an active game that tests their knowledge of different types of trees.

This is one of 96 activities that can be found in PLT’s PreK-8 Environmental Education Activity Guide. To get the activity, attend a training either in person or online and receive PLT’s PreK-8 Guide. Below are some supporting resources for this activity. 

PreK-8 Activity 67 – How Big Is Your Tree?

Trees come in various shapes and sizes. In this activity, students will measure trees in different ways and become familiar with the tree’s scale and structure. They will also learn the importance of standard units of measure and measuring techniques.

This is one of 96 activities that can be found in PLT’s PreK-8 Environmental Education Activity Guide. To get the activity, attend a training either in person or online and receive PLT’s PreK-8 Guide. Below are some supporting resources for this activity. 

PreK-8 Activity 66 – Germinating Giants

In this activity, students sharpen their math skills by comparing their local trees to the world’s tallest tree, the coast redwood, and to the tree with the largest seeds, the coconut palm.

This is one of 96 activities that can be found in PLT’s PreK-8 Environmental Education Activity Guide. To get the activity, attend a training either in person or online and receive PLT’s PreK-8 Guide. Below are some supporting resources for this activity. 

PreK-8 Activity 65 – Bursting Buds

In early spring, the tiny, bright green leaves of many trees burst forth. Where do the leaves come from? How do they form? In this activity, your students will find the answers to these questions on their own by observing tree buds throughout the year.

This is one of 96 activities that can be found in PLT’s PreK-8 Environmental Education Activity Guide. To get the activity, attend a training either in person or online and receive PLT’s PreK-8 Guide. Below are some supporting resources for this activity. 

PreK-8 Activity 63 – Tree Factory

By acting out the parts of a tree, students will learn about the structure of a tree. They create a tree factory.

This is one of 96 activities that can be found in PLT’s PreK-8 Environmental Education Activity Guide. To get the activity, attend a training either in person or online and receive PLT’s PreK-8 Guide. Below are some supporting resources for this activity. 

PreK-8 Activity 62 – To Be a Tree

By making a tree costume, your students will gain an awareness of a tree’s structure and functions.

This is one of 96 activities that can be found in PLT’s PreK-8 Environmental Education Activity Guide. To get the activity, attend a training either in person or online and receive PLT’s PreK-8 Guide. Below are some supporting resources for this activity. 

PreK-8 Activity 61 – The Closer You Look

All students, no matter how young, have an idea of what a tree looks like. But many are unfamiliar with the actual structure of a tree. In this activity, your students will go outdoors or view pictures to take a closer look at trees and their parts.

This is one of 96 activities that can be found in PLT’s PreK-8 Environmental Education Activity Guide. To get the activity, attend a training either in person or online and receive PLT’s PreK-8 Guide. Below are some supporting resources for this activity. 

PreK-8 Activity 60 – Publicize It!

Students will plan and conduct a service-learning project, and obtain skills in using media to inform others in the community about their project. This activity can be done in conjunction with any of the service-learning or action projects in this activity guide.

This is one of 96 activities that can be found in PLT’s PreK-8 Environmental Education Activity Guide. To get the activity, attend a training either in person or online and receive PLT’s PreK-8 Guide. Below are some supporting resources for this activity. 

PreK-8 Activity 59 – Power of Print

Newspapers keep the community informed about current events and trends. In this activity, students will examine articles from different sections of the newspaper, comparing and contrasting the different types of words and styles they employ. Then students research opposing sides of a local environmental issue, and write both news articles and opinion pieces on the issue.

This is one of 96 activities that can be found in PLT’s PreK-8 Environmental Education Activity Guide. To get the activity, attend a training either in person or online and receive PLT’s PreK-8 Guide. Below are some supporting resources for this activity. 

PreK-8 Activity 58 – There Ought to Be a Law

In democratic societies, citizens have the power to influence the lawmaking process. In this activity, students examine why and how groups develop rules, find out how local laws are made, and then create a poster presentation on the process for passing a law they propose.

This is one of 96 activities that can be found in PLT’s PreK-8 Environmental Education Activity Guide. To get the activity, attend a training either in person or online and receive PLT’s PreK-8 Guide. Below are some supporting resources for this activity.