Grades 6-8 Activity – Environmental Justice for All

Everyone has an equal right to a healthy environment—but does everyone have a healthy environment? In this activity, students propose actions to resolve various scenarios and then research issues related to environmental justice in their own state.

To get this activity, and more like this, purchase the Explore Your Environment: K-8 Activity Guide at and/or attend a professional development training in your state.

Below are some supporting resources for this activity.

Green Jobs: Exploring Forest Careers – Activity 4 – Seeking Sustainability

Activity 4 description: Learners explore the concept of sustainability by examining the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals, while also taking a look at some jobs involved in ensuring forest sustainability.

To get PLT’s Green Jobs: Exploring Forest Careers unit, purchase a copy from or find information about an in-person workshop in your area.

Below are some supporting resources for this activity, including the Worksheets from the guide (also known as Student Pages).

Green Jobs: Exploring Forest Careers – Activity 3 – Monitoring Forest Health

Activity 3 description: Through a variety of health indicators, learners assess the health of a forest area and see how soil scientists, wildlife biologists, arborists, and other forest professionals monitor forests.

To get PLT’s Green Jobs: Exploring Forest Careers unit, purchase a copy from or find information about an in-person workshop in your area..

Below are some supporting resources for this activity, including the Worksheets from the guide (also known as Student Pages).

Green Jobs: Exploring Forest Careers – Activity 2 – If You Were the Boss

Activity 2 description: Acting as foresters, learners grapple with decisions about how to manage a forest sustainably while serving different needs.

To get PLT’s Green Jobs: Exploring Forest Careers unit, purchase a copy from or find information about an in-person workshop in your area.

Below are some supporting resources for this activity, including the Worksheets from the guide (also known as Student Pages).

Green Jobs: Exploring Forest Careers – Activity 1 – Who Works in this Forest?

Activity 1 description: As an introduction to some of the people who work in and on behalf of forests, learners research different forest sector careers to learn what it takes to perform these jobs.

To get PLT’s Green Jobs: Exploring Forest Careers unit, purchase a copy from or find information about an in-person workshop in your area.

Below are some supporting resources for this activity, including the Worksheets from the guide (also known as Student Pages) and 12 additional Green Job Fact Sheets for the following green jobs: Forester, Environmental Educator, GIS Specialist, Indigenous Relations Specialist, Forestry Technician, Park Ranger, Hydrologist, Silviculture Technician, Urban Forester, Machine Operator, Wildlife Biologist, and Sustainability Manager.


Green Jobs: Exploring Forest Careers – Introduction

There is a wide array of jobs related to forests, offering opportunities for people with diverse backgrounds, skills, interest areas, and personal qualities.

To get PLT’s Green Jobs: Exploring Forest Careers unit, purchase a copy from or find information about an in-person workshop in your area.

Below are some supporting resources for the Introduction to this unit, including a self-assessment to get started of STEM skills, encompassing technical and leadership skills, that are important for green jobs.

Focus on Risk Special Topic – Plastics

Students will apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired from the activities and special topics as they identify a risk in their school or community. Once the risk is identified, they will develop a plan to assess the risk, decide the best way to reduce the risk, educate others, and, if feasible, implement their plan.

This is one of 11 activities that can be found in PLT’s Exploring Environmental Issues: Focus on Risk. To get the activity, attend a training and receive PLT’s Focus on Risk secondary module. Below are some supporting resources for this activity. 

Focus on Risk Special Topic – Chlorine

We encounter many types of risks every day. What is meant by the term risk? What types of risks do we encounter daily? Are all risks equally likely to occur? Are they all harmful? Why are we willing to take some risks but not others? Is anything really 100 percent risk free? In this activity, students will work together to explore these and other questions as they discuss, develop, and refine their definition and concept of risk and of risk assessment.

This is one of 11 activities that can be found in PLT’s Exploring Environmental Issues: Focus on Risk. To get the activity, attend a training and receive PLT’s Focus on Risk secondary module. Below are some supporting resources for this activity. 

Focus on Risk Special Topic – Electromagnetic Fields

Students will apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired from the activities and special topics as they identify a risk in their school or community. Once the risk is identified, they will develop a plan to assess the risk, decide the best way to reduce the risk, educate others, and, if feasible, implement their plan.

This is one of 11 activities that can be found in PLT’s Exploring Environmental Issues: Focus on Risk. To get the activity, attend a training and receive PLT’s Focus on Risk secondary module. Below are some supporting resources for this activity.