Family walking through forest with backpacks on

Family-Friendly Outdoor Learning Activities

Get your learners outside this summer with fun and educational activities perfect for families! From exploring local parks to uncovering nature in your own backyard, these engaging outdoor adventures will help kids develop observational skills, creativity, and a love for the natural world.

People of PLT | Celebrating Leaders in Education

Every year we honor a few individuals who embody PLT’s mission of advancing environmental education, forest literacy, and career pathways by using trees and forests as windows on the world. Join us this year as we honor two outstanding educators, Jennifer Rude and Jennifer Ortega!

Bee landing on a flower

Engage Students With Pollinator Activities for World Bee Day

Engage students in learning about the vital role of bees and other pollinators with these engaging activities for World Bee Day. From exploring the bee life cycle to creating pollinator inventions, these hands-on projects cater to various grade levels and learning styles.

bird sitting on a branch with worm in mouth

World Migratory Bird Day: Reflections on Home

What makes a home? Explore these resources (perfect for World Migratory Bird Day on May 13) by guest author Naamal De Silva of the American Bird Conservancy, and reflect on our relationships with birds, nature, and the idea of “home”.

Black Environmental Changemakers: Honoring Hidden Figures and Contemporary Leaders

Black Americans have made significant but often overlooked contributions to environmentalism. Recognize the legacy of these leaders, from historical hidden figures, some highlighted in Black Faces in Green Spaces: The Journeys of Black Professionals in Green Careers, to modern leaders advocating for climate justice. Their work lays the foundation for a more diverse and inclusive future in these fields.

Betty Jo Moore

Sparking Curiosity in Her Students | Teacher Feature: Betty Jo Moore

For many sixth graders, their focus is elsewhere besides science. But one inspiring educator from North Carolina, Betty Jo Moore, is nurturing the next generation of budding scientists and environmental stewards. After leaving a career in the corporate world, she became a substitute teacher, falling in love with teaching. Read more in PLT’s teacher feature!

green schools conference 2024

Green Schools Conference 2024

This year, the Green Schools Conference & Expo (GSCE) will be held in Santa Fe, NM, from March 5–7, 2024, and we’re excited to be back in person and learning about the newest trends and innovations in providing healthy, sustainable learning environments and education for students, teachers, and school communities.