Explore PLT resources to help you teach students about the environment, whether you’re new to teaching or looking for new environmental education resources to explore! PLT provides easy-to-teach, hands-on activities suitable for various settings, and a range of resources to support and mentor new educators.
As we ring in the New Year and look forward to all the great things to come in 2023, it’s also a perfect time to reflect on and celebrate the past year.
From launching new PLT materials like Trees & Me and our activity collections, Connecting for Health and Planet and Trillions of Trees, to the continued success of PLT state coordinators and facilitators training over 6,000 educators—we made big impacts in 2022.
The winter environment offers abundant outdoor learning opportunities for preschoolers and high schoolers alike. How do you make the most of outdoor activities for kids during the colder months? Molly Gillespie, Alaska’s PLT Coordinator, recently shared with us some tips for teaching outdoors in the winter.
Get learners excited about sustainability with Earth Science Week activities you can try with your classroom, complete with recommended grade levels and relevant science standards!
As the days stay sunny for longer, summer can be the perfect time for kids and adults to relax under their favorite tree and catch up on their reading lists. Explore some of our favorite all-ages books about forests and trees to connect with the natural world!
Lydia has worked in the forest and conservation sector for seven years but had no idea she was missing out on the resources MANRRS offers until SFI and MANRRS partnered to ensure young Black Americans have greater opportunities for rewarding careers in the forest and conservation sector.
Want to do something to honor Earth Day and Earth Month? Make an impact as a citizen scientist and contribute to real-life data while helping local and global ecosystems!
Do you know an educator who goes above and beyond? Show them a little love and submit a nomination for the PLT Outdoor Classroom Kit Giveaway for Educators between February 14 and March 14 and they will be entered for a chance to win!
Highlights of our newest releases, as well as the training and resources we deliver for free, thanks to our state and national partners and sponsors.
November is Native American, or American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month. While we should honor, recognize, and celebrate Indigenous Peoples year-round, November is a month to dedicate more time to our individual and respective learning journeys about Indigenous Peoples’ history, culture, knowledge, perspectives, and leadership.