Evergreen trees in winter

How Evergreens Provide a Winter Oasis for Wildlife

Evergreens provide food and shelter for animals facing harsh winter conditions. Learn how animals use evergreen trees as food and shelter, and use these ideas to bring your students outdoors in winter and observe wildlife.


STEM: Nature’s Recyclers

Decomposers live off dead material and recycle nutrients into the soil for reuse by plants. These STEM activities teach students about producers, consumers, and decomposers.

Illuminate Your Science Class with Glow-in-the-Dark Experiments and Activities

Some animals, insects, and organisms have evolved to produce light for various reasons. Capture your students’ curiosity and love of learning by using bioluminescence as a springboard into the world of luminescence. There are many ways of adapting glow-in-the-dark lessons to a variety of subjects and grade levels.

Celebrating Bat Week 2023

By Jennifer Byerly

Bat Week is Oct. 24-Oct. 31! Use this national event (timed with Halloween) to teach kids about the important role bats play as insect eaters, pollinators, and seed spreaders. To celebrate, we’ve gathered some free downloadable activities, arts and crafts, writing prompts, and other projects for all ages to learn about bat conservation.

Gypsy moth caterpillar

Most Unwanted: Invasive Insects in U.S. Forests

An invasive species is any kind of organism that is not native to an ecosystem and causes harm to the environment, economy and possibly even human health. Lymantria dispar, Asian longhorned beetles, emerald ash borers, and woolly adelgids are among the growing list of invasive insects that threaten U.S. forests and urban landscapes.


Birds, Bees, Butterflies, and Bats

Four teachers share their experiences from students’ GreenWorks! projects to help pollinators with native plant gardens, a bee keeping operation, and constructing bat houses.

PLT’s Leadership in Education Award

PLT’s Leadership in Education Award recognizes those who make significant contributions to advance PLT programs and initiatives at the state or regional level.