Celebrating International Day of Forests & World Water Day

Have you ever stopped to think about how much you rely on forests? What about water? These natural resources support our everyday lives in so many ways. Check out these fun activities to celebrate International Day of Forests and World Water Day!

Earth Day 2025

Earth Day is April 22, 2025 and the theme is Our Power, Our Planet. To celebrate, we’ve compiled stories and resources to help educators and youth learn about sustainability issues, climate science, and actions they can take this #EarthDay2025 and every day.

a bright purple creeping bellflower

All About Invasive Species

Did you know that February 24-28 is National Invasive Species Awareness Week? Take some time this month to introduce learners to what invasive species are, the threats they pose to the environment, and how to prevent them from spreading.

An adult and a child wearing gloves work together to plant a young tree in the soil, surrounded by grass.

Learning by Giving Back

We’ve compiled various activities and resources you can do and share with your learners to inspire them to make a difference.

See You at the 2025 Green Schools Conference!

PLT is headed to the Green Schools Conference this March 3-4 in Orlando, Florida! The annual Green Schools Conference (GSC) brings together everyone involved in creating and advocating for green schools, with a focus on those leading their schools and school systems toward whole-school sustainability. We’re excited to be back in person and learning about the newest trends and innovations in providing healthy, sustainable learning environments and education for students, teachers, and school communities.

9 edible soil recipes

9 Edible Recipes to Introduce Students to Soil

Creating an edible soil activity featuring the different layers of soil—organic layer, topsoil, subsoil, parent material, and bedrock—is a fun way to engage participants in learning about the structure of soil and how it supports plant life.


Activities to Explore Winter Ecology

Winter ecology studies the inter-relationships between animals, insects, and plants with their habitat in the winter. Explore the plethora of adaptations trees and other living things have to survive winter conditions.

A Family Tree Written by Staci Lola Drouillard and Illustrated by Kate Gardiner

Celebrating Nature through Literature by Indigenous Authors

As we honor and celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ history, culture, and contributions during Native American Heritage Month (also known as American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month), PLT compiled a collection of books about nature that you can read to your learners.

Forests, Water & People Cover Image

PLT Releases New Activity Collection: Forests, Water & People

Project Learning Tree is excited to share that we’ve expanded our high school-focused instructional materials with a brand-new digital activity collection! Forests, Water & People includes three place-based lessons that invite learners to explore how trees, watersheds, and our communities are connected.

A family of four taking a gratitude walk in the forest

Take a Gratitude Walk

As the holiday season approaches, it’s a great time to get outside to refuel and recharge yourself by taking a gratitude walk! A gratitude walk helps us pause, reflect, and give thanks to every person and living thing in our natural world.