STEM: Tree Lifecycle
Engage students in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) as they learn about a tree’s lifecycle.
Engage students in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) as they learn about a tree’s lifecycle.
For 6th-8th grade teachers, Carbon & Climate helps introduce students to some of the complex issues involved in climate change.
As the pandemic has disrupted countless traditional learning environments, many have begun to move classes outdoors. But as Project Learning Tree educators know all-too-well, taking lessons outdoors offers many more benefits than just germ control!
Use this book with grades 6-8 to emphasize several Science and Engineering Practices outlined in the Next Generation Science Standards.
It’s critical we teach students about the role of pollinators. See how students of all ages can put their knowledge into practice and support pollinators.
There is historic new federal funding available for environmental education through the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Invite your school superintendent to learn how to apply for this funding and why.
Engage students in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) through the power of the written word. Try these enrichments for Project Learning Tree’s Poet-Tree activity.
What is the difference between cacao and cocoa? Where do cocoa woods grow? Why do we crave chocolate? This book (ages 12+) explores these questions.
A popular resource for educators of elementary and middle school students, PLT’s PreK-8 guide contains 96 hands-on, multidisciplinary activities, with emphasis on science, reading, writing, mathematics, and social studies.
Project Learning Tree has created a new Adult Leader Guide plus updated its GreenSchools Investigations based on feedback from students, teachers, and school administrators.