STEM: Looking at Leaves

Engage students in STEM to examine the physical characteristics of leaves and investigate how they can be used to identify trees with Project Learning Tree’s Looking At Leaves activity.

STEM: Field, Forest, and Stream

Students investigate the interactions between living and non-living components in three local ecosystems with Project Learning Tree’s Field, Forest, and Stream activity.


Energy & Society Kit

Best used with students in grades 4-8, PLT’s Energy & Society Kit develops students’ critical thinking skills for making decisions about their personal energy use.

GreenSchools Investigations

Engage students in STEM as they investigate their school site, energy use, water, waste and recycling practices.

Agent of Change: Accolades for Our PLT State Coordinator

My life changed when I met Pat Maloney, the PLT State Coordinator in Maine. Learn about PLT’s national network that provides support to educators for incorporating environmental education and outdoor learning into their classrooms.


GreenSchools Online Course

Project Learning Tree continues to develop new online professional development opportunities for educators that are carefully designed to create effective learning experiences.