Summer Reading List

From informative nonfiction reads to silly fictional tales, this list separated by grade level will help kids–and adults–stay on top of their reading.


Summer Programs for Educators

Every summer, PLT programs across the country offer multi-day teachers’ tours and week-long forestry institutes. Learn more about what to expect and find a tour.

STEM: Looking at Leaves

Engage students in STEM to examine the physical characteristics of leaves and investigate how they can be used to identify trees with Project Learning Tree’s Looking At Leaves activity.

STEM: Field, Forest, and Stream

Students investigate the interactions between living and non-living components in three local ecosystems with Project Learning Tree’s Field, Forest, and Stream activity.


Energy & Society Kit

Best used with students in grades 4-8, PLT’s Energy & Society Kit develops students’ critical thinking skills for making decisions about their personal energy use.