hands cupping flowing water

STEM: Water Wonders

World Oceans Day (June 8) is the perfect time to explore the water cycle. Take PLT’s Water Wonders activity a step further with these STEM-focused ideas. Students will learn more about the importance of water conservation, how we use and engineer water, and they’ll discover some water-focused careers.

two young girls wearing masks running on grass outside

Socially-Distanced PLT Activities for Summer Camps

After the past year, kids need a way to get active and safely reconnect with friends and the outdoors. While PLT is relevant anytime, learn more about why it’s especially perfect for 2021 summer campers.

cover photo of Forest World La Selva book by Margarita Engle two young children sit huddled on the forest floor

Forest World

Told entirely in verse, Forest World embraces a hybrid form of storytelling. Use this novel with students to explore poetry, increase their understanding of forest biodiversity, learn how to make your own paper, and much more!

open book outdoors on the grass

National Environmental Education Week 2021

EE Week (April 19-23) is the nation’s largest annual celebration of environmental education. Bookmark these resources to help students celebrate each day, learn about nature, and their connection to the environment.