Focus on Forests

High school students develop critical-thinking skills and learn the importance of scientific analysis as they investigate forest management issues and discover benefits of forests .

Cover for PLT online curriculum unit

Southeastern Forests and Climate Change

PLT’s newest secondary module teaches about climate change impacts on forest ecosystems, carbon sequestration, strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, adapting to changing climatic conditions.


Summer Programs for Educators

Every summer, PLT programs across the country offer multi-day teachers’ tours and week-long forestry institutes. Learn more about what to expect and find a tour.

STEM: Looking at Leaves

Engage students in STEM to examine the physical characteristics of leaves and investigate how they can be used to identify trees with Project Learning Tree’s Looking At Leaves activity.

Places We Live

High school students investigate their own community to understand the environmental, social, and economic impacts of decisions connected to community growth and change.

wild ones observing city critters

Wild Ones, Observing City Critters

Grade K-5 readers are invited to play a game of I Spy to find urban wildlife along with this story’s main character, a family dog named Scooter.

Forests of the World

High school students conduct research and apply critical thinking skills as they explore how humans around the world interact with and depend upon diverse forests.