Family walking through forest with backpacks on

Family-Friendly Outdoor Learning Activities

Get your learners outside this summer with fun and educational activities perfect for families! From exploring local parks to uncovering nature in your own backyard, these engaging outdoor adventures will help kids develop observational skills, creativity, and a love for the natural world.

Bee landing on a flower

Engage Students With Pollinator Activities for World Bee Day

Engage students in learning about the vital role of bees and other pollinators with these engaging activities for World Bee Day. From exploring the bee life cycle to creating pollinator inventions, these hands-on projects cater to various grade levels and learning styles.

bird sitting on a branch with worm in mouth

World Migratory Bird Day: Reflections on Home

What makes a home? Explore these resources (perfect for World Migratory Bird Day on May 13) by guest author Naamal De Silva of the American Bird Conservancy, and reflect on our relationships with birds, nature, and the idea of “home”.

Little girl looking through binoculars

Winter Break Family Outdoor Advent-ure Calendar

With winter break just around the corner, we’ve compiled a list of fun outdoor activities to keep everyone entertained. Unravel two weeks’ worth of advent-ures from nature-based gifts to identifying animal tracks!

Paper Craft Ideas for Hispanic Heritage Month

Whether you are a parent, classroom teacher, paper products professional, or museum activity leader – we’ve assembled a list of fun paper and cardboard activities that celebrate the culture of Hispanic and Latino communities and present an opportunity for a conversation about the importance of making better decisions for people and the planet

Recommended Summer Reading for Forest Lovers

As the days stay sunny for longer, summer can be the perfect time for kids and adults to relax under their favorite tree and catch up on their reading lists. Explore some of our favorite all-ages books about forests and trees to connect with the natural world!

Red cardinal sitting on a fence

How to Introduce Students to Urban Birdwatching

Introduce kids to urban birdwatching and help them enjoy their immediate environments! Check out how to get started with urban birdwatching at your school, daycare, summer camp, or home, along with bird-themed activities that you can adapt for your classroom.