Hands-on Activities & Advice for New Environmental Educators

Explore PLT resources to help you teach students about the environment, whether you’re new to teaching or looking for new environmental education resources to explore! PLT provides easy-to-teach, hands-on activities suitable for various settings, and a range of resources to support and mentor new educators.

Fallen tree in a forest

What Happens to Trees that Fall in the Forest

In dying, a tree plays an essential role in sustaining life around it. Here are some classroom activities to explore decomposition and how a fallen tree provides for other life in the forest.


STEM: Nature’s Recyclers

Decomposers live off dead material and recycle nutrients into the soil for reuse by plants. These STEM activities teach students about producers, consumers, and decomposers.

trouts are made of trees children's book

Trout Are Made Of Trees

In this book for grades K-2, join three young children and their Dad as they observe life in and around a stream.

Nature Recycles, How About You?

Use this book with grades K-5 to explore how animals in different habitats use recycled material to build homes, protect themselves, and nourish their bodies.

around one log children's book

Around One Log

Storybooks are a great way to capture children’s interest in the environment. As this story builds, it repeats, an excellent instruction technique for young children.