Yasmeen Hossain smiling for a photo

People of PLT: Yasmeen Hossain, Oregon PLT State Co-Coordinator

Something we all have in common is that in one shape or form, we all have been touched by trauma. Everyone’s experience with trauma is different, which is why it is crucial to create a supportive space for people to learn. Learn about the work Oregon PLT State Co-Coordinator, Yasmeen Hossain, is doing to help educators incorporate a trauma-informed approach into environmental education.

Teaching about climate change, water, trees, and wildlife

Teaching about Climate Change with PLT, Project WET, and Project WILD

Climate change is a complex topic that can be intimidating to teach. However, understanding climate, including the ways it is changing and how that impacts the environment, is crucial to making informed decisions and building resilience. Project Learning Tree, Project WET, and Project WILD provide over 100 hands-on activities that are grounded in each of our environmental focuses.  

Youth outdoors in the forest looking at a clipboard

Best of STEM Strategies

First launched in 2013, PLT had the opportunity to partner with Dr. Kris Irwin to author a total of 30 STEM Strategies that supplement activities within various PLT curriculum guides, including the Explore Your Environment: K-8 Activity Guide. As Dr. Irwin plans for his retirement in early 2024, we are excited to share his favorite STEM Strategies from over the years.

Halloween bookmarks Your True Nature

Halloween STEAM, Campfires and Poetry

Get inspiration from nature this Halloween with themed bookmarks, campfire advice, and lesson ideas around science, technology, engineering, art, and math. Explore Your True Nature’s Halloween collection of fun and inspirational poetry: Advice from a Spider, a Bat, an Owl, a Pumpkin, and more!


STEM: Living With Fire

Use these STEM lessons to teach students the difference between a wildfire and a prescribed fire, and how fire can be beneficial to forests when it is planned and managed.