Celebrate National Forest Products Week from October 20-26, 2024 and appreciate the many ways forest products play a role in our daily lives—from the houses we live in to the paper we use at school and work.
A preschool curriculum director describes her school’s focus on the outdoors and nature and how PLT helped give their teachers and students some structure and new ideas for ways to deepen study.
The Country Day School in McLean, VA, is the first early childhood center in the country to be honored as a certified PLT GreenSchool! Students and teachers embraced outdoor learning, and completed all 5 PLT Early Childhood Investigations and a variety of action projects to make their school more green, a great accomplishment during the pandemic.
We are thrilled to announce that many registered PLT GreenSchools have been recognized as awardees of the US Department of Education’s 2021 Green Ribbon Schools (ED-GRS) program. Learn more about these outstanding green schools and gain some inspiration to improve your own site’s sustainability!
We were thrilled to see PLT prominently featured on CNN Health last month! Check out this article and accompanying video that showcases how PLT is supporting educators and parents in a growing movement to get kids outdoors, not only during the pandemic, but also as a way for using nature and the outdoors for improving children’s health and social and emotional learning.
Colorado PLT Coordinator Danielle Ardrey shares how to adapt the PLT Activity “The Closer You Look” for remote instruction. Students will go outdoors or view pictures to take a closer look at trees and their parts.
Learn how to adapt our “Sounds Around” student activity for remote instruction, allowing students to tune in to the everyday sounds of nature from home or a nearby outdoor space.
Many PLT activities are easily adapted to virtual learning, as we illustrate in this new monthly feature in the Branch. Check out this adaptation for Looking at Leaves from Colorado’s PLT Coordinator
Project Learning Tree now offers remote professional development to model new ways educators can work with students virtually, including adaptations to PLT activities.
We’re thrilled that 18 registered PLT GreenSchools have been recognized this year as part of the U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools program.