Highlights from PLT’s Annual Conference

The 2017 Project Learning Tree International Coordinators’ Conference was held April 24-27 in Louisville, KY. Now in its 31st year, our annual conference is designed …

Outstanding Educator
Lori Nicholson

Lori came to the St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge in Florida in 2005 and became its first Environmental Education Specialist. She works with groups of …

Outstanding Educator
Debbie Fluegel

  Through the nonprofit group Trees Forever, Debbie works with communities, landowners, and farmers to conduct hands-on planting projects to diversify and enhance community forests …

Outstanding Educator
Jana Willis

Jana researches, teaches, publishes, and presents on the integration of technology and environmental education to improve teaching skills. She incorporated PLT into a Survey of …

Outstanding Educator
Tarneshia Evans

As Children’s Garden Educator at Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens in Richmond, Tarneshia plans and carries out nature activities for children and their families. Previously she …

Outstanding Educator
Steve Scharosch

Steve operates Abacus Enterprises, Inc., a firm that develops and uses quantitative methods for land management planning. As a forest biometrician, he works with landowners …

Outstanding Educator
Nancy J. Loewenstein

Nancy Loewenstein is an Alabama Extension Specialist with the Auburn University School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences. She promotes environmental education as a teacher, facilitator, …