Outstanding Educator
Jennifer Richardson

Jennifer Richardson teaches fifth grade science and social studies at Wooster Elementary School in Greenbrier, Arkansas, and coordinates school-wide environmental programs.

Outstanding Educator
Linda Jordan

Linda Jordan is a fourth grade teacher at Indian Rocks Christian School in Seminole, Florida, who also developed and facilitates a popular summer science camp.

Outstanding Educator
Joan Chadde

Joan Chadde is the Education Program Coordinator at Michigan Technological University in Houghton, Michigan, where she also teaches a course called Communicating Science.

Outstanding Educator
Diane St. Jean

Diane St. Jean teaches reading at Barrington Middle School in Barrington, New Hampshire, where she uses PLT to connect her students to their local forest.

Outstanding Educator
Brandy Vavruska

Brandy Vavruska, a kindergarten teacher at West Elementary School in Spearfish, South Dakota, helped pilot the Early Childhood curriculum in her classroom.

Outstanding Educator
Ginger Reasonover

Ginger Reasonover is a science lab coordinator who uses PLT with preK through fourth grade students at David Lipscomb Elementary School in Nashville, Tennessee.

Outstanding Educator
Barbara Dunbar

Barbara Dunbar is the 4-H Environmental Program Coordinator at Virginia Cooperative Extension in Yorktown, as well as a Virginina Master Naturalist.

Outstanding Educator
Jacelyn Downey

Jacelyn Downey is a senior community naturalist with Audubon Wyoming in Moorcroft who brings PLT to diverse audiences through environmental education across the state.