Students Blend Art with Science in Community Garden
Children selected an animal found in their community’s garden to research. They created beautiful mosaics of their chosen animal for a permanent outdoor art exhibit.
Children selected an animal found in their community’s garden to research. They created beautiful mosaics of their chosen animal for a permanent outdoor art exhibit.
Students across the country will “learn by doing” through a variety of projects they help design and implement to conserve and improve the environment.
As the pandemic has disrupted countless traditional learning environments, many have begun to move classes outdoors. But as Project Learning Tree educators know all-too-well, taking lessons outdoors offers many more benefits than just germ control!
Learn how this student got her school principal to agree to starting a GreenSchools program, and what she is doing to motivate teachers and students.
Tips for involving students in a green schools program from teachers at Two Rivers Magnet Middle School in East Hartford, CT.
Building school gardens, reconstructing running trails, creating maple sugar. Highlights from projects funded by Project Learning Tree’s GreenWorks! grants program.
Houston high school students are using PLT to improve health, mentor younger kids, and transform lives.
“Students for Sustainability” are working to reduce the carbon footprint of their high school and community in Washington State. In a relatively short amount of time, they’ve already revitalized local reforestation efforts.
With PLT activities infused across the curriculum and some amazing student accomplishments, this school is a model for others wanting to build a GreenSchools program.
An after-school outdoors educational program is teaching children ages 7-12 about biodiversity and the ecology of their local wetland and prairie.