
Top 10 Benefits of Environmental Education

Enthusiasm for learning. Empowered to make a difference. Improved health and academic performance. Just some of the benefits of EE for youth, educators, schools, communities.

Activities for Girl Scout Badges and Journeys

Scout troop leaders and volunteers, and those who provide scout programs at nature centers, parks, and community recreation facilities, can quickly identify Project Learning Tree …


Nature Journaling Ideas

Discover how experiential learning across all subjects can be achieved by encouraging your students to use a nature journal.


ELM: Environmental Learning Multiplied, in Denver

Multiplication often results in ending up with more than you had at the start. That’s what happened with Environmental Learning Multiplied, or ELM, a program that took place at Sloan’s Lake Park in Denver.


Green from the Blueprint

‘Ewa Makai Middle School’s vision: Empower, Explore, Excel Together! In becoming a green school, faculty and students work together to make the vision a reality.