Jonathan and a group of educators smiling for a photo

People of PLT | Becoming a Better Naturalist

This month’s People of PLT highlights the work that Mississippi PLT State Coordinator Jonathan Smith is doing to share his love of nature and inspire educators to bring nature to life in the classroom!

Yasmeen Hossain smiling for a photo

People of PLT: Yasmeen Hossain, Oregon PLT State Co-Coordinator

Something we all have in common is that in one shape or form, we all have been touched by trauma. Everyone’s experience with trauma is different, which is why it is crucial to create a supportive space for people to learn. Learn about the work Oregon PLT State Co-Coordinator, Yasmeen Hossain, is doing to help educators incorporate a trauma-informed approach into environmental education.

Family walking through forest with backpacks on

Family-Friendly Outdoor Learning Activities

Get your learners outside this summer with fun and educational activities perfect for families! From exploring local parks to uncovering nature in your own backyard, these engaging outdoor adventures will help kids develop observational skills, creativity, and a love for the natural world.

bird sitting on a branch with worm in mouth

World Migratory Bird Day: Reflections on Home

What makes a home? Explore these resources (perfect for World Migratory Bird Day on May 13) by guest author Naamal De Silva of the American Bird Conservancy, and reflect on our relationships with birds, nature, and the idea of “home”.

tree canopy

The Power of Forests: Celebrating International Day of Forests

Discover the hidden impact of forests in our daily lives and celebrate the International Day of Forests on March 21 with the theme “Forests and Innovation.” Dive into the innovative ways forests shape our future, providing eco-friendly alternatives to plastics, building materials, fabrics, and more. From breakfast to musical instruments, let’s explore the diverse forest origins of everyday items!

Join Us at the 2024 Project Learning Tree, Project WET, and Project WILD Conference!

Are you ready to be part of something extraordinary? We are thrilled to announce a milestone event that promises to shape the future of environmental education in classrooms and communities across the nation. For the first time in over 25 years, Project Learning Tree, Project WET, and Project WILD are joining forces for a groundbreaking joint conference!

PLT Coordinators at the 2023 PLT Annual Conference

Mark Your Calendar for 2024 PLT Professional Development

Perhaps 2024 is the year you become a certified Project Learning Tree (PLT) educator. Maybe this is the year you attend your third PLT professional development event. Whatever you decide, make 2024 a year of continued learning and growth!