What does the recycling symbol represent?
Hint: “reduce, reuse, recycle” is an incorrect answer!
We’ll provide the answer in a minute, but in the meantime, here are some more recycling myths.
Did you know…
- Commingled and single stream recycling mean the same thing.
Watch this video that explains the high tech separation process employed by material recovery facilities. - Plastic bags should be taken to retail establishments for recycling.
That includes your bread bag, dry cleaning bag, and grocery bags. - The cap of a plastic bottle is just as recyclable as the bottle
- Rechargeable batteries contain more chemicals than the traditional alkaline batteries.
But, they are considered better for the environment because they last longer and are recyclable.
3 Recycling Myths Explained
Answer: False
Answer: False
Answer: True
Take Action, and Recycle!
If your school wants to step up your recycling, get some ideas from the PLT GreenSchools Waste and Recycling Investigation. If you want a challenge, consider competing in a race with other schools to collect the most recyclables. The Recycle-Bowl is a free competition and benchmarking tool for K-12 school recycling programs that promotes waste reduction activities.
Oh, and here’s that answer to “What does the recycling symbol represent?”
Answer: 1. Collect recyclables. 2. Process them into a new product. 3. Buy products with recycled content.