GreenSchools Certification Requirements

Important Note: At this time PLT is not offering GreenSchools certification.


PLT GreenSchools certification reflects environmental education in the curriculum, student leadership, and environmental action.

In order to earn recognition as a Certified PLT GreenSchool, schools must demonstrate they:

  • Are incorporating environmental education across the curriculum,
  • Take students outdoors to learn,
  • Have established a Green Team of students, staff, and community members,
  • Have implemented one or more student-led action projects, 
  • Maintain state-mandated or recommended environmental standards, and
  • Have completed all five PLT GreenSchools Investigations.

Consistent with the PLT GreenSchools focus on sustainability, two certification tiers address the idea of continuous progress. The specific requirements for each tier are listed below. 

  • Certified PLT GreenSchools meet a set of criteria that demonstrate teacher professional development in environmental education, integration of environmental education into the curriculum, an active student-led Green Team that conducts investigations and takes action, and reporting and celebrating accomplishments.
  • Sustaining PLT GreenSchools demonstrate a sustained commitment to these criteria over two or more years.

Certified PLT GreenSchool

  • Teacher Professional Development
    • At least 2 teachers are trained in PLT.
    • PLT professional development opportunities are available to all teachers.
  • PLT and Environmental Education in the Curriculum
    • At least 10% of classes or courses embed environmental education, including PLT.
    • At least 10% of students have meaningful outdoor experiences.
  • Green Team
    • Meets at least 6 times per year.
  • Pledge
    • Articulates the school’s commitment to environmental learning and action. 
      You may choose to adopt the PLT GreenSchools Pledge: We pledge to take responsible action to make our school, community, and world a greener and healthier place for living and learning.
  • GreenSchool Investigations 
    • Students conduct investigations in the following 5 areas (using PLT’s GreenSchools Investigations or alternatives):
      • Energy
      • Environmental Quality
      • Schools Site
      • Waste & Recycling
      • Water
  • Action Plans
    • Students implement one or more action projects per year.
  • Reporting
    • The Green Team leader in conjunction with school staff report the results of investigations and actions taken using the online PLT GreenSchools Application for Certification.
  • Share and Celebrate
    • School staff identify 3 or more ways to share the results of investigations and action plans across the school, and with administrators, the school district, and parents.
    • Students and staff hold an annual and schoolwide event/celebration.

Sustaining PLT GreenSchool

  • Teacher Professional Development
    • At least 50% of teachers have been trained in PLT within the past 5 years or at least 10% of teachers are trained annually in environmental education.
    • PLT professional development opportunities are available to all teachers.
  • PLT and Environmental Education in the Curriculum
    • Students learn about the environment at every grade level within the school.
    • Outdoor environmental learning experiences are offered at every grade level.
  • Green Team
    • Meets at least 6 times per year.
  • Pledge
    • Articulates the school’s commitment to environmental learning and action.
      You may choose to adopt the PLT GreenSchools Pledge: We pledge to take responsible action to make our school, community, and world a greener and healthier place for living and learning.
  • GreenSchool Investigations
    • Students examine and improve their school’s environmental footprint annually by:
      • Taking further action as a result of investigations conducted previously
      • Investigating new areas (beyond original 5)
      • Repeating investigations completed more than 5 years ago
  • Action Plans
    • Students implement one or more action projects per year.
  • Reporting 
    • The Green Team leader in conjunction with school staff report the results of investigations and actions taken using the online PLT GreenSchools Application for Sustaining Schools.
  • Share and Celebrate
    • School staff identify 3 or more ways to share the results of investigations and action plans across the school, and with administrators, the school district, and parents.
    • Students and staff hold an annual and schoolwide event/celebration.


Vanessa Bullwinkle

Vanessa Bullwinkle

Vanessa Bullwinkle is Director of Communications & Marketing for Project Learning Tree.