Earth Day 2025

February 28, 2025

earth day 2025


Earth Day this year is held April 22, 2025 and the theme is Our Power, Our Planet.

To celebrate, we’ve compiled stories and resources to help educators and youth learn about sustainability issues, climate science, and actions they can take this #EarthDay2025 and every day.



beavers faceGuide to Curriculum for Teaching About Climate Change 
PLT teamed up with Earth Day Network, Project WET, and Project WILD to produce a guide that lists all available education resources to help you teach about climate science and the impacts of climate change. Use our “Teaching About Climate Change: Water, Trees, and Wildlife” guide to help plan a series of lessons that fit with your teaching situation to teach about the impacts of climate change on water, forests and biodiversity.


Pencil transforming into a tree above a notebook

Student Worksheet 
Learn about the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals with our guiding questions. Young people will explore how the Goals are interconnected and address the global challenges we face.



Free Activities for Families and Educators:

pine trees with a purple borderTREES AS HABITATS 

From their leafy branches to their tangled roots, trees provide a habitat for a host of plants and animals. Take inventory of the life in, on, and around trees to discover how plants and animals depend on trees in many ways (available in English and Español.)


tree cookie with blue arrows in a circle indicating renewabilityRENEWABLE OR NOT?

Children often do not know which resources are renewable and nonrenewable. Use this activity (in English and Español) to learn what these terms mean and discover why sustainable use of natural resources is so important.


recycling symbol with triangle of arrows surrounded by a red borderREUSE AND RECYCLE AT HOME 

Learn how to analyze waste and whether items being thrown away could be reused, recycled, or composted. Bookmark our handy chart (available in English and Español.)



student craft of a planet drawn on paper with messages below each corner of the pageEARTH DAY ACTIVITIES TO INSPIRE YOUR STUDENTS AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE

Earth Day is about raising awareness about the importance of protecting our planet and taking action. Use these activities to inspire your students to take action this Earth Day and every day.


child hands with blue paint on their palmsARTISTS FOR THE EARTH (

Celebrate the many sights, sounds, and textures of the natural world by becoming an artist for the earth. Filled with creative exercises for children and adults, alike, this webpage contains ideas and inspiration for sustainable creative expression.


young indigenous men in orange safety vests and hardhats hug in a forestLEARN ABOUT FORESTS

Engage middle school aged youth in learning about trees, forests, and sustainable forest management with PLT’s 12 free, ready-to-use, hands-on activities. Each 50-minute activity offers simple suggestions for leading learners ages 10–16 in themes related to sustainable forest management, stewardship, and green careers.



Free Teacher Stories and Resources:

wood boardwalk surrounded by grasses12 NATURE WALK ACTIVITIES FOR EARTH DAY (OR ANY DAY!)

Getting outside can be one way to boost our resilience. Try these activities to ensure your walks are an engaging and enriching learning experience.


young woman poses in front of a painting of an eagle13 YOUNG ENVIRONMENTALISTS MAKING A DIFFERENCE

Young students don’t need to wait until they’re older to make a difference! Share these inspiring stories that show what’s possible when young environmentalists take action.


ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY TIMELINE ( of an alarm clock with a purple border

The big events that shaped our environmental history can fascinate kids. These printable timelines (in English and Español) can be used as a research activity for students.


young girl drinking a glass of waterBECOME A CITIZEN SCIENTIST

From tackling plastic pollution to supporting the global food supply to observing local bird species and more—this article is your go-to guide to classroom community science.


photo of lettuce planted in rows of soilSOIL EROSION: WHY IT HAPPENS AND WHAT WE CAN DO ABOUT IT

Soil erosion is a natural phenomenon caused by water and wind, but can become more of a problem as humans inhabit and develop more of the planet.


children gather around a tree being plantedTIPS FOR PLANTING TREES WITH KIDS

Express your appreciation for trees this Earth Day (or any day!) by planting a tree at your school or in your community. Here’s some inspiration and a few tips to get you started.


photo of a tree surrounded by a purple borderHANDS-ON ACTIVITIES TO EXPLORE THE MANY USES OF TREES

If you’re brainstorming ideas for outdoor lessons, trees are a great place to start! Bookmark a few of these fun and engaging outdoor activities to explore how trees and forest products are used every day!



In recent years there has be an increased urgency to implore policymakers to make a change for a zero-carbon future. Celebrate this Earth Day by exploring ways you and the young people you work with can become advocates for the planet.


group of young children smiling at the cameraSUBSCRIBE TO THE PLT MONTHLY BRANCH NEWSLETTER

Access more resources, tips, and free activities every month when you sign up for PLT’s monthly Branch newsletter.

Jennifer Byerly

Jennifer Byerly

Jennifer Byerly is PLT's Senior Director of Communications. She focuses on digital community-building and communications; please feel free to email her and share your PLT story!