Career Corners

Go back to My K-8 Guide Each student page in PLT’s Explore Your Environment: K-8 Activity Guide includes a Career Corner that introduces students to …

Grades 3-5 Activity – Tree ID

Tree species can be identified by looking at several different features: leaves, bark, twigs, flowers, fruit, and seeds. Even the overall shape of a tree …

Grades 3-5 Activity – Signs of Fall

Students will look for signs of autumn and conduct an investigation to discover why the leaves of deciduous trees change color in the fall. For …

Grades 3-5 Activity – Poet-Tree

Writing and sharing poems gives students an opportunity to express their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs in creative and artistic ways. You can do this activity …

Grades K-2 Activity – Bursting Buds

In early spring, many trees sprout bright green leaves. Where do the leaves come from? How do they form? Students investigate these questions by observing …

Activity: Every Tree for Itself

Through an active modeling exercise, learners explore how trees compete with each other for nutrients, sunlight, space, and water.