Activity: Make Your Own Paper

Learners experience firsthand the magic of the paper-making process and the value of trees as a natural resource.

Activity: Nature’s Skyscrapers

Using simple tools, learners calculate the height of a tree and width of its trunk, and find out why foresters measure trees.

Activity: Plant a Tree

Trees provide a host of benefits—from oxygen to shade to wildlife habitat. Learners help select and plant a tree for the future.

Activity: Tree Cookies

Learners examine tree cross-sections to determine their age and to infer environmental conditions during the tree’s life.

PLT Featured on CNN: Outdoor Classrooms Reenergize Kids During the Pandemic

We were thrilled to see PLT prominently featured on CNN Health last month! Check out this article and accompanying video that showcases how PLT is supporting educators and parents in a growing movement to get kids outdoors, not only during the pandemic, but also as a way for using nature and the outdoors for improving children’s health and social and emotional learning.

Theme-based Activity Collections

PLT’s hands-on activity collections offers fun and multi-disciplinary activities that connect youth in grades K-2, 3-5, and 6-8 to nature and the outdoors.

New PLT Activity Collections: Biodiversity Blitz for Grade 3-5

Biodiversity Blitz is the third in a new series of theme-based PLT activity collections. It features three PLT activities for educators of students in grades 3-5 that invite learners to investigate the variety of species in an ecosystem, and how this variety – or biodiversity – helps sustain life on Earth.

Virtual Makeover: The Closer You Look

Colorado PLT Coordinator Danielle Ardrey shares how to adapt the PLT Activity “The Closer You Look” for remote instruction. Students will go outdoors or view pictures to take a closer look at trees and their parts.