Most Unwanted: Invasive Insects in U.S. Forests

An invasive species is any kind of organism that is not native to an ecosystem and causes harm to the environment, economy and possibly even human health. Lymantria dispar, Asian longhorned beetles, emerald ash borers, and woolly adelgids are among the growing list of invasive insects that threaten U.S. forests and urban landscapes.

PLT’s Leadership in Education Award

PLT’s Leadership in Education Award recognizes those who make significant contributions to advance PLT programs and initiatives at the state or regional level.

See You on the Trail that Students Built!

With PLT GreenWorks! grants, students in Alabama, Indiana and Michigan took the lead to restore, design and build nature trails, learning about ecosystems and forest health.

Brian Plankis
Outstanding Educator

Environmental Education Consultant in Indianapolis, Indiana, and Research Fellow, NewKnowledge Brian Plankis is an environmental education consultant who works with under-served K-6 schools in Indianapolis …

Ed Lewis
Outstanding Educator

Ed Lewis is a Procurement Forester for Westrock, one of the world’s largest paper and packaging companies. Ed sources wood from sustainably managed forests in …

Green Jobs: Exploring Forest Careers

Engage learners aged 12-25 in exploring green careers in forestry and conservation with these 4 activities, suitable for schools or community youth programs.

PLT Seeks Educators to Pilot Test New Activities

PLT is updating its flagship curriculum, the PreK-8 Environmental Education Activity Guide. We’re seeking educators to pilot test five new activities. Stipends are available, apply by March 8, 2019.

Teaching with i-Tree Family Activities

Four new easy-to-do activities using free online tools help parents, children and teens learn together about the many ecosystem services that trees provide.