Environmental Education Resources

Every month we carefully select additional resources and new support materials to enhance Project Learning Tree’s lessons. These environmental education resources include videos, educational apps …

Global Forest Watch

Global Forest Watch (GFW) is an interactive online forest monitoring and alert system designed to better visualize forest change across the globe. Developed by the World Resources …

Dawn Publications – If You Love Honey

“If you love honey, then you must love honeybees” so says Dawn Publications’ children’s book, If You Love Honey.  If You Love Honey takes readers …

Conserve Water At Home

It’s easy to waste water and even easier to take clean water for granted. Identify ways you can conserve water in your home.

Save Energy At Home

Lower your energy bills and help the environment at the same time! There are many simple ways you can save energy (and money!) at home.

GreenWorks! Grants Now Available

Do you want children to help improve the environment at your school or in your community? Apply for a GreenWorks! grant to support your project.


“I love going to Nebraska PLT workshops because each time I learn new activities and ideas to share with my students, even after 21 years …